May 14 2015
Pets Get Arthritis Too
The term “arthritis” is an umbrella term that refers to over 100 rheumatic diseases, but when most of us use the term when talking about our pets, we are usually referring to osteoarthritis (OA),…
Mar 26 2015
Tick Talk: Questions and Answers
With the arrival of spring, we are happy to spend more time outdoors. Unfortunately, that includes ticks – which can cause a lot of grief for pets and people. Let’s talk ticks. …
Mar 19 2015
March 23 is National Puppy Day!
Getting a puppy is a huge commitment – puppies are babies, so they will interrupt your sleep, require tons of attention and care, and they’ll make big messes. But raising a dog from puppyhood can…
Mar 12 2015
Pet Poison Prevention Week
While no normal person would intentionally poison their pets, the reality is, many poisonings are preventable. The vets at Gagemount Animal Hospital say that while some toxins are pretty easy to spot,…
Jul 31 2012
Don’t Take Flea and Tick Prevention for Granted!
We are lucky in North America! The incidence of many infectious and parasitic diseases is much less than other areas of the world. However, take heed and be on the alert as new diseases emerge and old…
Jul 17 2012
High-Rise Syndrome
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! No, it’s your cat, and unlike Supercat she’s not soaring. She has just taken a leap out of your 6th storey window, perhaps still brimming with her cat confidence…
Jun 01 2012
Is having a dog under your desk better than having the corner office?
We all know the feeling. You get home from a tough day at work: you’re tired, you’re stressed, you’re preoccupied with the day’s events. But then, you open your door, and there’s the dog,…